Sunday, January 25, 2009


i hate the presumption of honesty, yet here is my honesty:

i am in the process of listening to a brief overview of wittgenstein. if given the opportunity to have dinner with any man, i would choose him. i am scared. this overview speaks words from my mouth. his fears, his sanity, his insecurities are mine. i think i am going mad. i think i will die before i share my work. i don't want it, everything, nothing, something. are we doomed. what if i never find my russell.

this, coming on the same day as pinker, makes me question the concept of originality. all of my ideas are frauds. they are not semi-autobiographical, new, or even innovative, they are scams of the past. i am a scam. yet the scams don't make sense; can you scam the scam?


this all funnels into my thought cornerstones: does suicide/ madness coincide with great/innovative thinkers - does society label them as mad because it fear their ideas?

this is dark i know. but just as wittgenstein, i prefer the night.

"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "awww!” jack kerouac


kat said...

if it has been said before, and you still feel the need to say it, then perhaps before it was not said well enough. maybe you can say it better. just because it is unoriginal doesn't make it unworthwhile. ideas have to be put down in a way that connects to people. if they are not, they mean absolutely nothing. they say that good writers borrow and great writers steal...take shakespeare for instance. most of his plays were based off stories and legends. but he wrote them in such an incredible way that his version is basically the only version we remember today (except, of course, for the historical plays). so don't be demoralized that your ideas aren't necessarily original, just maybe think about how you could say it better.

celeste. said...

thank you.